Before proceeding on SurveyCentral, please take the time to read and understand our privacy policy. In this policy, we lay out the types of information we collect from users, how we collect this information and how we use it. Be sure to let us know if you have any questions or remarks by sending us a message via our Contact page.
The Types of Information Collected
All websites, including SurveyCentral, may collect two basic types of information from their users. These two types of information are personally identifiable information and non-personally identifiable information.
Personally Identifiable Information
Personally Identifiable Information, otherwise known as sensitive personal information, is a type of personal information which can be used to identify, or contact you, either by itself or in conjunction with other information.
In this category of information, one can include things like full names, home addresses, work addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, SSNs, dates of birth or credit card numbers, to name a few.
This information is extremely delicate, and for this reason SurveyCentral will rarely ask for personally identifiable information. When we do, the information we ask for will be very limited. You can always opt not to disclose any of this information if you do not feel comfortable sharing it.
Non-Personally Identifiable Information
Non-Personally Identifiable Information is far less sensitive than Personally Identifiable Information, but no less important. Non-Personally Identifiable Information cannot be used to trace. Non-Personally Identifiable Information cannot be used to obtain personally identifiable information either.
All websites collect some Non-Personally Identifiable Information. The primary purpose for collecting this information is to optimize websites and understand more about a website’s readership.
How Is This Information Collected?
How Is Personally Identifiable Information Collected?
Personally Identifiable Information must always be volunteered by the users. SurveyCentral will never collect Personally Identifiable Information without your consent. You can always refuse to offer this information if you do not wish to share it.
We will ask for some Personally Identifiable Information whenever you send us a message or leave a comment on an article. We will typically ask for your name and a valid email address.
How Is Non-Personally Identifiable Information
Non-Personally Identifiable Information is collected automatically whenever you access a website. Non-Personally Identifiable Information is collected via log files and cookies.
Log Files
Log files allow websites to track user activity on the website. Log files record the time and date you accessed an article, which articles you read and in what order, how much time you spent on the website, and information about the system you used to access the website (browser information, operating system details etc.)
We need this information to optimize our website and content. By tracking your activity on our website, we can get a better feel for the types of articles you are interested in, and the topics you would like to see.
Non-Personally Identifiable Information is also collected via cookies. Cookies are small files that record some information about your search activity. Our website uses cookies that allow us to deliver content suggestions for third-party websites that you may interested in, based on your previous interests.
Cookies can be turned off from your browsers settings tab at any time. The exact steps to turning off cookies depends on the model of your browser.
Cookies are harmless, and the information they collect is purely statistical. They cannot be used to identify you or obtain information that can be used to identify you.
To deliver content that is suitable to your interests and preferences we use third-party applications, that optimize your browsing experience. These applications rely on Non-Personally Identifiable Information, such as search history and visited websites.
We will also often link to other websites. Note that this privacy policy applies solely to SurveyCentral. Please take the time to review the privacy policy of those respective websites before proceeding.
Recommendations for Protecting Your Personal Information
As a user, there are a few things you can do to keep your personal information safe.
Firstly, note that you have the right to refuse disclosing Personally Identifiable Information. If you do choose to offer this information, make sure you know exactly why it’s required and how it’s going to be used.
Never disclose Personally Identifiable Information via unsecure channel. Do not mention Personally Identifiable Information in the comments section of articles, as these are public. Never share your personal information with other users.
If you would like to ask us anything about our privacy policy, or how we collect and use personal information from our readers, use the Contact page to get in touch.
Keep in mind that we may change this privacy policy and we may not be able to send out notifications.
Please consult our Terms of Use policy for further information!